Dear Sai devotees,
Here below is a recent example of fulfillment of Baba's assurances , " Believe Me , though I pass away , My bones in My tomb would be speaking , moving and communicating with those , who would surrender themselves whole-heartedly to Me. Do not be anxious that , I would be absent from you. You will hear My bones speaking and discussing your welfare. But remember me always , believe in Me heart and soul and then , you will be most benefited. "
Below is the actual account of encounter of a Sai devotee, Sai Gauri with SHIRDI SAIBABA , in her own words.

"It was the night of 16Th of April 2009 . I was extremely worried regarding a personal issue of mine. Though, my friends and family consoled me , yet i couldn't hold myself and was crying hysterically so much so , that my eyes were swollen red and i could barely even talk or breathe. Sipping a little water , that night i went to bed constantly crying and worrying about my future, pondering over for what's written in my destiny . Leaving the rest to Baba , i myself don't know when i went into deep sleep around 12.30 in the night. Around 2.30 a.m. (according to my calculations),somebody , a human figure (face was unclear in the dark , but due to its form i can be said that it was a manly figure ), woke me and sat me and gave me 2 pats softly behind by back , on my shoulder . That room in which i sleep was dimly lighted , but light was enough to see the surroundings. I could feel , strong wind blowing in the room which threw the curtain away ,riding high at one side . I could clearly see thousands of stars twinkling in the sky (which i usually don't see as my window is covered with dark wallpaper to prevent sunlight to come in during summer time).I could feel the rush of blood pumping through my heart . I was shivering with cold so i turned off my A.c.
After that,i stood up and turned the lights on to try and understand what was going on with me. To tell you the truth,i was very scared as there was nobody else in the room and i sleep alone in my room.But to check if anybody was outside , i unlocked my room's door which leads to a lobby.There was nobody outside , so i came back inside.
To my utter surprise when i turned and entered back into my room , I clearly saw a very large size around 40 inch (height) by 25 inch (wide) version of the Shirdi Saibaba's picture ,which i usually worship in my room,kept hanging on the wall. The only difference being that in my picture Baba's eyes do not usually blink and in this picture Baba was blinking his eyes,as if it was not a picture but a live person instead :)
He was looking old but I was so very much joyous and happy to see BABA , that i went ahead and touched his left cheek and forgetting everything else i started clapping my hands in heavenly bliss like a 5-6 years old kid and shouting ,"Babaji aa gaye ! Babaji aa gaye ! " . This went on for a while but then , I ACTUALLY WOKE UP.
Everything was just like the dream when i woke up except for Baba's picture. It was hanging exactly on the same place upon the wall in front of my bed and not on the floor in front of my bed .
I was still shivering with cold , so i turned off my a.c. .
My curtains were on the same place but just like the dream i went outside to check my lobby but nobody was there.Then,i came back inside and sipped a little bit of water and kept pondering about what happened till 3.15 to 3.30 a.m. , crying with joy , knowing that Baba is looking after all of us , listening to everybody's prayers but he does only what's in best interest for us. I have not yet found out about the result of the problem i was facing and still waiting for his (Baba's) verdict to come out. But whatever it is, i know one thing for sure, he is listening to our prayers and will do only what's in best interest for us.
Shri Sat-Chit-Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai ! "
Sai Gauri