how baba continues to help his devotees even today...
I had gone to Simla for training when I received a call from my home in Andhra Pradesh that both my parents were seriously ill and were too weak to walk or talk. I was mentally upset, as I was very attached to them. I prayed to Baba for their speedy recovery. Presently my prayers were answered and I received a call three days later saying that Dattavdhuta Shri Guruvayya Swamy of Golgamudi (Nellore district of Andhra Pradesh) himself came to our house and massaged my father’s body saying, “You are alright now.” To everyone’s surprise, my father started recovering and my mother too showed progress from the same time.
After a few months my father again suffered from severe pain and was unable to walk. Soon after, his condition worsened and he had to be hospitalised. Considering his age (81 years), surgery was ruled out. Throughout we continued praying to Baba. Presently he started showing improvement after 12 hours of treatment and could walk again. He was discharged after 48 hours. But, for Baba’s mercy, it would not have been possible for him to recover.
C. Nagaraja Rao (80-10-1, Koka Bhaskaramma Nagar, Anala Venkata Apparao Road, Rajamundry, A. P.)

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