In 2004, I was working in the Cement Factory situated
in Bargarh Dist. Orissa. After taking voluntary
retirement, I built a house ‘SAI NIVAS’ near the
factory on private land. After construction, I felt an
acute shortage of funds to manage my household. My
son’s wedding was fixed and I did not have the
requisite amount to meet the expenses. I tried for a
personal loan in 2-3 banks; but failed for obvious
reasons. All of us prayed to Sai to save us from this
crisis. It was our good fortune that once while we were
discussing this, a lady acquaintance dropped in and
understood our problem. She asked us to go with her to
the nearby Gramina Bank and introduced us to the Bank
manager, requesting him to help us with a loan. After
fulfilling the necessary formalities the loan was
sanctioned and our problem was solved. My L..I.C.
policy matured at the same time and helped me to some
extent. This is truly a miracle of Baba. Soon after the
wedding my son and daughter-in-law got good jobs in
Pune. They visited Shirdi to take Baba’s Darshan and
blessings and are now leading a decent life by the grace
of Baba. There was no Pucca road near my house Sai
Nivas and so all the inhabitants of the area were facing
problems daily for many years. All of us tried to solve
the problem too. Suddenly one day the Sarpanch came
to our place and announced that a road would be
constructed within a month and he kept his promise.
Today we have a Pucca road. Thanks to the grace of
M. H. Gopal Rao (Sai Nivas, Cement Nagar, Po.
Bardol, Dist. Bargarh, Orissa.)

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